Monthly Archives: November 2015

I trust you

It is not a mystery that for whatever reasons, today we tend to extend the duration of youthness and adolescence, often exaggerating a bit, to the point that we often talk about 40 year old “kids”. What i would like to point out about this new tendency is the damages that such tendency carries out to those who should be the real kids, that is, those people whom the english word “teenager” properly defines (those whose age ends in -teen;13-19).

If we define a 40 year old man as a boy, then an 18 year old will automatically have to be classified as a child, leading the 18 year old to behave precisely as such.

Then, this is why athletes who have no capability whatsoever to manage their emotions and pressures, and most of all, who do not take their own responsibilities on the fencing platform are so common to find nowadays; and if an athlete cannot take responsibilities for his performance, then he cannot be defined as such; he could be a good executor, but as he will always be waiting for the solution to arrive from above, precisely like children do, he will be often incapable of managing difficult moments during the attack.

However, this is not the only consequence of this tendency affecting our society, and it certainly is not the worst. The real problem is that by treating teenagers like children we have made an entire generation incapable of trusting themselves because we, in the first place, didn’t trust them. After all how could one possibly trust children?

And they obviously feel it, they detect it; these teenagers come to the gym every day, and while they do put an effort in practicing, yet they do it in a superficial and unenthusiastic way, thus confusing quantity with quality. And we don’t realize Continua a leggere→

School VS sport

Here we go again. Another athlete who comes back from a weekend of competition and who falls victim of another of those teachers who asserts, and i swear i am not making this up, that the fact that the already mentioned athlete (16 years old) has declared that the Mesozoic era started 150 million years ago rather than 250 millions, is certainly due to the fact that over the weekend she was wondering around, “playing with swords”.

Now, given that kids’ duty is, indeed, that of studying, which theoretically implies for them to know this kind of notions as well (even though i swear that despite my good cultural level and the remarkable amount of books in my personal library, something like 12000 volumes, i have absolutely no idea of when the Mesozoic era actually started!) i wonder if the reason why a lot of kids stop playing sports when they get to high school, could be attributed to the stupidity of some teachers, who define themselves as such, yet they are not even close to actually being one.

However, because it’s a matter i really care about, i want to clearly analyze it.

If we take a look around, we can easily realize that almost every educational place in which kids aggregate has totally failed. Family, school, Continua a leggere→

Let’s give each other a hand

One of the gesture it fascinates me the most in fencing, is the act of constantly shaking hands. When you enter the gym, after every assault and every lesson, to say goodbye when you leave.

It comes so naturally to us, that we don’t even realize how weird it must seem from outside, that 7/8 year old kids use such a gesture. An adult way of greeting in kids’ small hands.

Yet, the more i think about it, the more i realize that this “exchange” of hands, which even Giorgio Gaber used to sing, it has represented for me a constant act of learning and an instrument of education.

Anthropological studies assert that we learned using our hands as the evolution of our brain was taking place. After all, the ability to move our fingers is one of the most evident difference between primates and us. Then, as they usually say, if the eyes are the mirror of our soul, maybe the hands are the reflection of our mind. By shaking hands i can communicate a lot of myself to the other person. It’s a greeting which entails for me to use a part of myself. Hands don’t lie. That first gesture could say a lot about the person standing in front of me; it’s somehow his business card. And at the same time it’s also a sympathetic gesture; indeed i can’t shake my hands without taking account of who is in front of me. The act of shaking hands physically takes me towards Continua a leggere→